In this article, you will learn how to use the PrimeNg library in angular. PrimeNg library is one of the famous and trending UI toolkits in angular, it has 7k+ stars on Github. It provides some advanced controls which save the time of development.
Add Required Packages:
To add the PrimeNg to the project we need to install the npm package.
npm install primeng --save
Icon related package we can download from
npm install primeicons --save
Style Configuration:
You need to configure the CSS in the application, we need to add a few CSS file paths in the angular.json file under the styles Array.
Add PrimeNg Module:
In this example, we can take the example of calendar module, which is easy to understand,
Import the calendar module in the app.module.ts file
import {CalendarModule} from 'primeng/calendar';
imports: [
Once the calendar is imported into the root module then we can add calendar-related code in the component and in the template.
<!--Html code -->
<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="value"></p-calendar>
<!--ts file code -->
value: Date =new Date();
If you working with [(ngModel)] then you need to import FormsModule them in the app.module.ts or your respective module.
These are the changes enough to run the control. For different controls, you need to import/add different modules, respective dependencies in your project. For more information, you can refer PrimeNg official document as well P.
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